Sunday, August 23, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
马来西亚燕窝生意兴旺 引发当地居民抗议
马来西亚燕窝生意兴旺 引发当地居民抗议
在位于马来西亚首都吉隆坡西南的港口城市巴生港, 一家旅馆业主已将他多层旅馆建筑物的部分改建成金丝燕的“汽车旅馆”,因为金丝燕可以在那里筑巢,可以生产出华人世界视之为珍贵佳肴和名贵药材的燕窝。为了吸引金丝燕离开他们自然筑巢的洞穴,在旅馆混凝土建筑物上“安家落户”,这位旅馆业主必须从早到晚播放刺耳的燕叫声。从早到晚播放的燕叫声,再加上大量金丝燕的嘈杂声和粪便使当地居民原本正常的生活平静被打破了。
燕窝的消费,如果单单看中国海关的统计的确很有限。统计资料显示,中国国内以正常进口方式的燕窝,近年来始终保持在每年一吨以下。 然而,有业内人士保守估计,去年一年中国燕窝消费量却在350吨以上。中国海关的统计和实际消费差距如此之大,这说明大多数燕窝都是走私进入中国。张卫国对此表示:
在位于马来西亚首都吉隆坡西南的港口城市巴生港, 一家旅馆业主已将他多层旅馆建筑物的部分改建成金丝燕的“汽车旅馆”,因为金丝燕可以在那里筑巢,可以生产出华人世界视之为珍贵佳肴和名贵药材的燕窝。为了吸引金丝燕离开他们自然筑巢的洞穴,在旅馆混凝土建筑物上“安家落户”,这位旅馆业主必须从早到晚播放刺耳的燕叫声。从早到晚播放的燕叫声,再加上大量金丝燕的嘈杂声和粪便使当地居民原本正常的生活平静被打破了。
燕窝的消费,如果单单看中国海关的统计的确很有限。统计资料显示,中国国内以正常进口方式的燕窝,近年来始终保持在每年一吨以下。 然而,有业内人士保守估计,去年一年中国燕窝消费量却在350吨以上。中国海关的统计和实际消费差距如此之大,这说明大多数燕窝都是走私进入中国。张卫国对此表示:
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
While enjoying the lucrative business, please look at the negative outcome...
Dear fellow birdfarmers,
It is very sad to read another article about the negative effect of our swiflet industry. If this complains were to be going on, i can't imagine what will be our business in future.......please be considerate.......
"'Bird's nest' boom in Malaysia sparks protests
By M. Jegathesan (AFP) – Aug 5, 2009
KLANG, Malaysia — Thousands of bird "motels" have opened across Malaysia to lure the swiftlets whose nests are harvested to make bird's nest soup, a costly delicacy in Chinese cuisine.
But as the business booms and flocks of swiftlets -- who make the nests out of their saliva -- descend on towns and villages, the noisy, messy practice has triggered a wave of protest.
In the heart of the coastal town of Klang, southwest of the capital Kuala Lumpur, the owner of the Goldcourse Hotel has converted part of the multi-storey building into a swiftlet "motel".
To entice the swiflets to build their nests in their concrete home -- and not their natural cave habitat -- from sun-up to sun-down a soundtrack of shrill bird noises including mating calls is blasted from speakers.
Nearby, other entrepreneurs have opened competing ventures by turning four-storey shophouses into bird havens, and the cacophony and shower of bird droppings is alienating those living and working nearby.
"The sound is so loud and irritating, and the bird droppings can be harmful to our health," said local resident Abdul Hamid Abdullah as he watched the swiflets dart in and out of the buildings.
"These birds build their nests in caves. That is where they should be," the 46-year-old told AFP.
Malaysia's swiftlet industry began in the 1980s but gained momentum after the 1997 Asian financial crisis when entrepreneurs converted the interiors of abandoned properties into bird motels.
Fans of the gelatinous soup, which is popular in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, say it can stave off ageing, boost sex drive, prevent lung disease and enhance the complexion.
A kilogram (2.2 pounds) of the small, cup-shaped nests can fetch 4,000 ringgit (1,130 dollars), and the combination of big profits and a lack of legislation has seen countless swiftlet "farms" established illegally in populated areas.
Kenneth Khoo, from the Small and Medium Industries Association in northern Penang, told AFP that the global trade in raw bird's nests was estimated at 20 billion ringgit (5.7 billion dollars).
"Swiftlet farming in Malaysia is a sunrise industry. Demand far exceeds supply as more wealthy Chinese emerge," he said, adding that bird's nest soup remains a status-booster on business menus in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Khoo said Indonesia controls up to 70 percent of the business in the region, sourcing its bird's nests from both caves and farms, while the other two main producers are Thailand and Malaysia.
He estimated that there are at least 35,000 swiftlet farms in Malaysia, only about 4,500 with legal permits, in a business worth 800 million to 1.2 billion ringgit.
But as the industry expands along the east and west coasts of peninsular Malaysia, opposition to the swiflet farms is growing louder and environmentalists are demanding a complete ban.
There are also allegations of cruelty as some "farmers" reputedly destroy chicks and fertilised eggs in order to harvest the nests at times when prices are high.
Conservation group Friends of the Earth has condemned the trade and called on the government to close down the proliferating swiftlet farms.
"This rather impetuous booming industry has led to complaints from the public due to the nuisance, health hazards and the number of bird hotels coming up," said Mohamad Idris, president of the group's Malaysian branch.
"Collectors may not wait long enough for the young to fledge, often throwing the chicks onto the ground or leaving them to die after taking the nests," he said.
"In view of the problems faced by many in the farming of swiftlets and from the welfare point of view of the birds, we would like to call for a ban on all farming of swiftlets."
It is very sad to read another article about the negative effect of our swiflet industry. If this complains were to be going on, i can't imagine what will be our business in future.......please be considerate.......
"'Bird's nest' boom in Malaysia sparks protests
By M. Jegathesan (AFP) – Aug 5, 2009
KLANG, Malaysia — Thousands of bird "motels" have opened across Malaysia to lure the swiftlets whose nests are harvested to make bird's nest soup, a costly delicacy in Chinese cuisine.
But as the business booms and flocks of swiftlets -- who make the nests out of their saliva -- descend on towns and villages, the noisy, messy practice has triggered a wave of protest.
In the heart of the coastal town of Klang, southwest of the capital Kuala Lumpur, the owner of the Goldcourse Hotel has converted part of the multi-storey building into a swiftlet "motel".
To entice the swiflets to build their nests in their concrete home -- and not their natural cave habitat -- from sun-up to sun-down a soundtrack of shrill bird noises including mating calls is blasted from speakers.
Nearby, other entrepreneurs have opened competing ventures by turning four-storey shophouses into bird havens, and the cacophony and shower of bird droppings is alienating those living and working nearby.
"The sound is so loud and irritating, and the bird droppings can be harmful to our health," said local resident Abdul Hamid Abdullah as he watched the swiflets dart in and out of the buildings.
"These birds build their nests in caves. That is where they should be," the 46-year-old told AFP.
Malaysia's swiftlet industry began in the 1980s but gained momentum after the 1997 Asian financial crisis when entrepreneurs converted the interiors of abandoned properties into bird motels.
Fans of the gelatinous soup, which is popular in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, say it can stave off ageing, boost sex drive, prevent lung disease and enhance the complexion.
A kilogram (2.2 pounds) of the small, cup-shaped nests can fetch 4,000 ringgit (1,130 dollars), and the combination of big profits and a lack of legislation has seen countless swiftlet "farms" established illegally in populated areas.
Kenneth Khoo, from the Small and Medium Industries Association in northern Penang, told AFP that the global trade in raw bird's nests was estimated at 20 billion ringgit (5.7 billion dollars).
"Swiftlet farming in Malaysia is a sunrise industry. Demand far exceeds supply as more wealthy Chinese emerge," he said, adding that bird's nest soup remains a status-booster on business menus in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Khoo said Indonesia controls up to 70 percent of the business in the region, sourcing its bird's nests from both caves and farms, while the other two main producers are Thailand and Malaysia.
He estimated that there are at least 35,000 swiftlet farms in Malaysia, only about 4,500 with legal permits, in a business worth 800 million to 1.2 billion ringgit.
But as the industry expands along the east and west coasts of peninsular Malaysia, opposition to the swiflet farms is growing louder and environmentalists are demanding a complete ban.
There are also allegations of cruelty as some "farmers" reputedly destroy chicks and fertilised eggs in order to harvest the nests at times when prices are high.
Conservation group Friends of the Earth has condemned the trade and called on the government to close down the proliferating swiftlet farms.
"This rather impetuous booming industry has led to complaints from the public due to the nuisance, health hazards and the number of bird hotels coming up," said Mohamad Idris, president of the group's Malaysian branch.
"Collectors may not wait long enough for the young to fledge, often throwing the chicks onto the ground or leaving them to die after taking the nests," he said.
"In view of the problems faced by many in the farming of swiftlets and from the welfare point of view of the birds, we would like to call for a ban on all farming of swiftlets."
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Kaum Melayu Tidak Ketinggalan Dalam Pengusahaan Burung Walit
Pada 3hb Ogos 2009, dalam seminar GAHP burung walit anjuran pihak Jabatan Perkhidmatan Veterinar Johor,saya rasa bangga kerana telah mendengar seorang usahawan yang amat berjaya dalam usaha burung walit. Beliau telah sanggup menghasilkan lebih kurang 10kg sebulan sarang burung,ini bermakna lebih kurang RM 40,000 sebulan. Beliau adalah En Aisa Bin Harun. Adakah anda minat angka-angka yang banyak ooooo???
Di sini salah satu lagi pengusaha kaum Melayu yang berjaya. Beliau bukan sahaja dapat pendapatan dari Hasil Kelapa Sawit, bahkan juga dapat dari penjualan sarang burung walit tiap-tiap bulan. Syabas, harap lebih lagi Kaum Melayu dampir ke hadapan untuk mencontohi mereka. Just Do It!
Berita terbitan dari internet adalah seperti berikut:
"KOTA TINGGI 10 Ogos - Bukan mudah bagi Ibrahim Marsan, 51, untuk memulakan projek sarang burung walit.
Namun atas usaha dan minat yang mendalam, dia sanggup menebalkan muka bertanya kepada para penternak sedia ada.
Ibrahim yang merupakan salah seorang peneroka di Felda Lok Heng Barat, Kota Tinggi, Johor bernasib baik kerana mempunyai ramai rakan kaum Cina yang mengusahakan penternakan itu dan tidak lokek untuk menurunkan ilmu kepadanya.
Menurutnya, salah satu faktor dia ingin menceburi bidang tersebut kerana ia mampu memberikan keuntungan lumayan.
"Sudah 22 tahun saya menetap di Felda ini dan melakukan pekerjaan yang sama iaitu menanam kelapa sawit. Kita tanam dan apabila sudah masak kita pungut dan perkara yang sama perlu dilakukan sehingga pokok ditebang untuk tanam semula.
"Apabila pokok-pokok ditebang, peladang tidak ada hasil serta terpaksa meminjam untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Justeru, saya lihat penternakan burung walit ini berbeza daripada biasa. Kita tidak perlu beli benih, menjaga atau bagi makan, cuma sediakan rumah sahaja dan cukup masa kutip hasil yang berpanjangan," katanya.
Menyedari kelebihan itu, Ibrahim nekad mengambil keputusan membina rumah burung walit pertamanya pada dua tahun lalu dengan kos RM40,000.
Rumah burung berkenaan yang dibina dengan modal hasil titik peluh selama ini didirikan di bahagian atas rumahnya.
"Nak bina rumah burung di tapak lain, saya takut kalau projek pertama ini tidak menjadi dan sebab itulah bina di atas rumah.
"Alhamdulillah, setelah dua tahun saya dapat melihat hasilnya. Memang menguntungkan, namun setakat ini saya belum mengkomersialkan lagi dan hanya untuk makanan kami sekeluarga sahaja," katanya.
Ibrahim turut mempunyai bengkel membaiki motosikal yang diuruskan oleh anaknya itu berkata, pada masa ini terdapat kira-kira 2,000 ekor burung walit yang menginap di rumah burung miliknya.
Setiap hari, dia akan memainkan muzik bunyi burung dari pukul 6.30 pagi hingga 7.45 petang untuk memanggil burung-burung berkenaan.
Katanya, burung tersebut tidak akan membina sarang dengan mudah jika persekitarannya tidak sesuai dan biasanya setelah empat bulan menginap, barulah burung-burung itu akan membina sarang daripada air liurnya.
Menyedari projek penternakan itu mampu memberi pendapatan lumayan, Ibrahim kini memperuntukkan RM200,000 untuk membina sebuah lagi rumah burung dua tingkat yang lebih besar berhampiran rumahnya dan dijangka siap akhir tahun ini.
DiwariskanBapa kepada lima anak iaitu Helmi, 28; Elizam, 25; Elizan, 24; Elliza, 22; dan Mohd. Eezad, 19, berkata, hasil perkongsian hidup dengan Rosidah Dawi, 50, apa yang diusahakan akan diwariskan kepada anak-anaknya pada masa akan datang.
"Sekarang ini saya hanya dapat pungut satu kilogram (kg) sahaja sarang burung. Pada saya itu petanda baik kerana satu gram harga jualan adalah RM4.50. Mungkin pada masa depan saya mampu memungut 10 hingga 20kg sarang burung sebulan.
"Kalau ada yang berminat untuk memulakan projek ini saya sedia berkongsi pengalaman kerana ia menguntungkan. Saya harap lebih ramai orang Melayu mengusahakan penternakan ini," katanya yang turut mendapat sebuah tapak daripada Felda untuk membina sebuah rumah burung lagi.
Menurutnya, setiap satu sarang burung mampu mencecah berat kira-kira 10 gram dan ia dijual dengan harga yang tinggi kerana dipercayai baik untuk kesihatan.
Selain dibuat jeli, sarang burung juga diproses menjadi air minuman kesihatan dengan direndam bagi mengasingkan bulunya sebelum dikukus atau rebus bersama gula batu dan daun pandan."
Di sini salah satu lagi pengusaha kaum Melayu yang berjaya. Beliau bukan sahaja dapat pendapatan dari Hasil Kelapa Sawit, bahkan juga dapat dari penjualan sarang burung walit tiap-tiap bulan. Syabas, harap lebih lagi Kaum Melayu dampir ke hadapan untuk mencontohi mereka. Just Do It!
Berita terbitan dari internet adalah seperti berikut:
"KOTA TINGGI 10 Ogos - Bukan mudah bagi Ibrahim Marsan, 51, untuk memulakan projek sarang burung walit.
Namun atas usaha dan minat yang mendalam, dia sanggup menebalkan muka bertanya kepada para penternak sedia ada.
Ibrahim yang merupakan salah seorang peneroka di Felda Lok Heng Barat, Kota Tinggi, Johor bernasib baik kerana mempunyai ramai rakan kaum Cina yang mengusahakan penternakan itu dan tidak lokek untuk menurunkan ilmu kepadanya.
Menurutnya, salah satu faktor dia ingin menceburi bidang tersebut kerana ia mampu memberikan keuntungan lumayan.
"Sudah 22 tahun saya menetap di Felda ini dan melakukan pekerjaan yang sama iaitu menanam kelapa sawit. Kita tanam dan apabila sudah masak kita pungut dan perkara yang sama perlu dilakukan sehingga pokok ditebang untuk tanam semula.
"Apabila pokok-pokok ditebang, peladang tidak ada hasil serta terpaksa meminjam untuk meneruskan kehidupan. Justeru, saya lihat penternakan burung walit ini berbeza daripada biasa. Kita tidak perlu beli benih, menjaga atau bagi makan, cuma sediakan rumah sahaja dan cukup masa kutip hasil yang berpanjangan," katanya.
Menyedari kelebihan itu, Ibrahim nekad mengambil keputusan membina rumah burung walit pertamanya pada dua tahun lalu dengan kos RM40,000.
Rumah burung berkenaan yang dibina dengan modal hasil titik peluh selama ini didirikan di bahagian atas rumahnya.
"Nak bina rumah burung di tapak lain, saya takut kalau projek pertama ini tidak menjadi dan sebab itulah bina di atas rumah.
"Alhamdulillah, setelah dua tahun saya dapat melihat hasilnya. Memang menguntungkan, namun setakat ini saya belum mengkomersialkan lagi dan hanya untuk makanan kami sekeluarga sahaja," katanya.
Ibrahim turut mempunyai bengkel membaiki motosikal yang diuruskan oleh anaknya itu berkata, pada masa ini terdapat kira-kira 2,000 ekor burung walit yang menginap di rumah burung miliknya.
Setiap hari, dia akan memainkan muzik bunyi burung dari pukul 6.30 pagi hingga 7.45 petang untuk memanggil burung-burung berkenaan.
Katanya, burung tersebut tidak akan membina sarang dengan mudah jika persekitarannya tidak sesuai dan biasanya setelah empat bulan menginap, barulah burung-burung itu akan membina sarang daripada air liurnya.
Menyedari projek penternakan itu mampu memberi pendapatan lumayan, Ibrahim kini memperuntukkan RM200,000 untuk membina sebuah lagi rumah burung dua tingkat yang lebih besar berhampiran rumahnya dan dijangka siap akhir tahun ini.
DiwariskanBapa kepada lima anak iaitu Helmi, 28; Elizam, 25; Elizan, 24; Elliza, 22; dan Mohd. Eezad, 19, berkata, hasil perkongsian hidup dengan Rosidah Dawi, 50, apa yang diusahakan akan diwariskan kepada anak-anaknya pada masa akan datang.
"Sekarang ini saya hanya dapat pungut satu kilogram (kg) sahaja sarang burung. Pada saya itu petanda baik kerana satu gram harga jualan adalah RM4.50. Mungkin pada masa depan saya mampu memungut 10 hingga 20kg sarang burung sebulan.
"Kalau ada yang berminat untuk memulakan projek ini saya sedia berkongsi pengalaman kerana ia menguntungkan. Saya harap lebih ramai orang Melayu mengusahakan penternakan ini," katanya yang turut mendapat sebuah tapak daripada Felda untuk membina sebuah rumah burung lagi.
Menurutnya, setiap satu sarang burung mampu mencecah berat kira-kira 10 gram dan ia dijual dengan harga yang tinggi kerana dipercayai baik untuk kesihatan.
Selain dibuat jeli, sarang burung juga diproses menjadi air minuman kesihatan dengan direndam bagi mengasingkan bulunya sebelum dikukus atau rebus bersama gula batu dan daun pandan."
Monday, August 10, 2009
What is 100% Pure Bird's Nest?
Dear Friends,
Do you know what is 100% Pure Bird's Nest?
Last week i was referred by Dr Yahasmidah to a company who involved in birdnest cleaning process in Sungai Buluh,Selangor. I visited and checked the process of cleaning methods; I found the process as normal as others birdnest cleaning process plants i.e they are processing genuine white bird's nests. They try hard to maintain the original shape of the nests and forgo the purity of the nests. They left many fine feathers behind the nests. Feathers were containing arsenics. It made the birdnest unpure.
I was told another major issue of the rejection was the total plate count. What is this? It means when counting the bacteria, it exceeded the limits. Why total plate coount? The process is mean for export purposes. Just to prove goods export is free from bacteria and viruses.
Procedure conducting the the is as follow: Take samples about 25 grams, together with Borang MVKJB/KAV01 and send to Veterinary Department for E coli count,Coliform count,Salmonella sp count and Staph. aureus count...Heatlth Certificate will be given upon satisfaction results.
I was told the tests failed 5 out of 5 times sampling tests. What is the issues then?
Yes, they are one of the ignorant processors who learned the technology from unqualifed masters. They were taught to remove feathers and keep the shape of nest as original as possible,so as to look nice. But what about hygenic factors? They ignored the presence of bacterias and viruses, heavy metals,contaminants...
Further to my investigations, some samples tested by Permulab Sdn Bhd shown that, the protein level dropped from 57.4% to 3.02 %. What has happened? The result shown a sharp drop of protein...why? Further investigation shown the use of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 as bleaching agents. It bleached away amino acids,good minerals, epidermic growth factors,antioxidants,etc...?? Modern Swiflet nest Processors are advised not to use any chemicals in the processing. It served no purpose.
I was told the buyers from Hong Kong ask local processors to spray about 250gram of water to 750 gram of nests justto facilitate easy packaging. But this unhygenic practices create a good environment for yeast and molds growth. If yeast and mold grown, then Boric Acids, Potasssium Sulphide,Sodium benzote,and others preservatives were used. This preservatives if consumed daily will hardened our liver and caused cancer. So, do you know why 100% purity of birdnest is important?
Conclusion for 100% Pure Bird Nest:
1. Pure heart: (always put consumers health at priority.)
2. Free from bleaching agent:(soluble amino acids, minerals... will retained)
3. Free from preservatives:(prevent cancer of liver...)
4. No additives added: (to provide pure birdnest)
5. Test for bacteria and virus counts
6. Moisture content should be less than 10%
7. Free from feathers,and other contaminants and heavy metals like mercury, lead,arsenic,chromium,ferrous(ferric),cadmium etc...
Good Luck
Do you know what is 100% Pure Bird's Nest?
Last week i was referred by Dr Yahasmidah to a company who involved in birdnest cleaning process in Sungai Buluh,Selangor. I visited and checked the process of cleaning methods; I found the process as normal as others birdnest cleaning process plants i.e they are processing genuine white bird's nests. They try hard to maintain the original shape of the nests and forgo the purity of the nests. They left many fine feathers behind the nests. Feathers were containing arsenics. It made the birdnest unpure.
I was told another major issue of the rejection was the total plate count. What is this? It means when counting the bacteria, it exceeded the limits. Why total plate coount? The process is mean for export purposes. Just to prove goods export is free from bacteria and viruses.
Procedure conducting the the is as follow: Take samples about 25 grams, together with Borang MVKJB/KAV01 and send to Veterinary Department for E coli count,Coliform count,Salmonella sp count and Staph. aureus count...Heatlth Certificate will be given upon satisfaction results.
I was told the tests failed 5 out of 5 times sampling tests. What is the issues then?
Yes, they are one of the ignorant processors who learned the technology from unqualifed masters. They were taught to remove feathers and keep the shape of nest as original as possible,so as to look nice. But what about hygenic factors? They ignored the presence of bacterias and viruses, heavy metals,contaminants...
Further to my investigations, some samples tested by Permulab Sdn Bhd shown that, the protein level dropped from 57.4% to 3.02 %. What has happened? The result shown a sharp drop of protein...why? Further investigation shown the use of hydrogen peroxide H2O2 as bleaching agents. It bleached away amino acids,good minerals, epidermic growth factors,antioxidants,etc...?? Modern Swiflet nest Processors are advised not to use any chemicals in the processing. It served no purpose.
I was told the buyers from Hong Kong ask local processors to spray about 250gram of water to 750 gram of nests justto facilitate easy packaging. But this unhygenic practices create a good environment for yeast and molds growth. If yeast and mold grown, then Boric Acids, Potasssium Sulphide,Sodium benzote,and others preservatives were used. This preservatives if consumed daily will hardened our liver and caused cancer. So, do you know why 100% purity of birdnest is important?
Conclusion for 100% Pure Bird Nest:
1. Pure heart: (always put consumers health at priority.)
2. Free from bleaching agent:(soluble amino acids, minerals... will retained)
3. Free from preservatives:(prevent cancer of liver...)
4. No additives added: (to provide pure birdnest)
5. Test for bacteria and virus counts
6. Moisture content should be less than 10%
7. Free from feathers,and other contaminants and heavy metals like mercury, lead,arsenic,chromium,ferrous(ferric),cadmium etc...
Good Luck
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